Future eclipses

Marriage Line


Palm Reading Marriage Line

There are more than six shallow lines, and none is prominent
If there are more than six shallow lines, and none is prominent, it indicates complicate and messy marriage situations. If there are two equally prominent lines, the person is prone to love-triangle situations.


Palm Reading Marriage Line

Marriage Line

The longer the Marriage Line is, the pickier the person is in selecting a mate, more demanding of his/her spouse, and has more pressure from the marriage. If the line ends below the ring finger and touches the Sun Line, it indicates having good in-laws who will bring wealth and fame. However, if it is longer and it crosses the Sun Line, it has negative effect on wealth and fame.

Palm Reading Marriage Line

The line has split ends
If the line has split ends, it indicates split-up or devoice.

Palm Reading Marriage Line

There are circular creases on the line
If there are circular creases on the line, it indicates separation during a relationship.

Palm Reading Marriage Line

The line curves upward at the end
If the line curves upward at the end, it indicates lack of motivation to get married.
Palm Reading Marriage Line

Popularity Line
Palm Reading Popularity  Line

The Popularity Line

The Popularity Line is a short slanted line below the Love Line. It starts from the edge of palm, and runs slightly upward to the center of the palm. It indicates popularity and good interpersonal skills.