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Your Predictions 2015
GEMINI – 2015 PREDICTIONSFavourable Points for GeminiSigns : Libra, Aquarius, Leo An overview of year 2015 Mercury the lord of your Zodiac sign is again located in your 7th house along with Sun in Sagittarius. Moon is located in your 11th house; Mars is located in your 8th house along with Venus. Mercury is located in your 7th house along with lord of 3rd house Sun. Jupiter, lord of your 7th house and lord of your 10th house, the house of profession is exalted in cancer, which is the 2nd house, the house of wealth is creating a Rajyoga in your chart. Jupiter being the natural signifier of wealth is also creating a strong Dhana Yoga in your chart this year. Saturn the lord of your 8th and 9th house is well placed in your 6th house which is Scorpio. However Rahu and Ketu are located in your 4th/10th house axis indicates ups and down during this year. Your 1st house, 2nd house, 4th house, 5th house, 6th house, 9th house and 12th house are very strong and powerful in this year�s chart. Overall this year will be lucky for you, healthwise it will be excellent. There are chances of unexpected gains and you may recover /inherit some money from your spouse or business partners. Long outstanding money due to you, you may able to recover. However your expenses will also be high. There may be shift in residence either in the same city or you may even move to a far off place either in your country or to a foreign country. Some of you may acquire some permanent assets like land and property. Over all this will be an exciting year with many changes. Your decision making and confidence level could waver during late January 2015, early February 2015, May 2015 as well as September 2015. Major decisions should be avoided during this time and you should look at life cautiously. Overall you will find the months of February, March, October and November 2015 quite favorable and much better than the other periods of the year. You should try to use these months for maximum results and progress. Overall you have a positive outlook towards finances and career but domestic matters could pull you down tremendously and you also need to control your own temperament and thinking because lack of discipline could spoil the outlook and make you miss certain opportunities during this time. You have to value your partners and spouse as people around you will bring you the maximum possible opportunities. Health : Overall there will not be major health problems during this year. Lord of your Sign Mercury aspects your sign from the 7th house. However, during the first quarter of the year some of you may suffer from chronic ailments like cold /cough /fever etc. Rest of the year, you will enjoy excellent health. Do not neglect any high fever symptoms, immediately consult your doctor. Finance : Though your career may be challenging, but income wise, this year will be ok. Your second house, the house of wealth is Cancer. Lord of Cancer, Moon is located in 11th house Aries, the house of income and gain. This combination is making a strong combination of �Dhana Yoga� in this year�s chart. Exalted Jupiter though retrograde is located in 2nd house, the house of wealth. It is possible that if you make serious efforts, you may be able to acquire some permanent asset like land and real estate during this year. Education : The first half of the year will be excellent for career prospects. You will interact with experienced people in your field of work and develop your work skills. You will get support from Government officers and other reputed people of the society and experience various gains. Do not trust anyone too much. There are chances of being betrayed. Career : Pisces is the 10th house from Gemini which is ruled by Jupiter. Jupiter is retrograde in this year�s chart. Also Ketu is located in your 10th house. There may be Sudden set backs/changes in your career. You will be confused. There may be secret enemies who will try to harm you. The first 6 months of the year will be most challenging. You will neither have clarity nor will you have any clear goal in front of you. All these will seriously affect your performance during this year. However you may achieve some breakthrough in your career during August/September 2015 Family : The placement of Jupiter in domestic aspect indicates prosperity in family life. The academic and professional life of children is good. In the middle of the year, Jupiter will make a transit as a result of which the period will no longer remain favourable. The behavior of a family member might hurt your sentiments. It is advisable that you develop your patience and tolerance abilities to face undesirable situations. Travel : You will get an opportunity to take your parents for pilgrimage in the first half of the year. People in service will have strong chances of transfer of work place. This transfer will be beneficial for them. Take care while travelling during the latter half of the year as there might be slight health complications. Romance & Married life : Gemini people are very changeable. They can get easily involved in a relationship or can get out of a relationship. For short time relationship, this year is very good for Gemini people. However for married people or people committed to long term relationship, this year will give mixed results. Rahu is located in 4th house of Gemini people, which will definitely cause ups and downs in Domestic bliss and harmony during this year for Gemini people. Unfavorable dates in 2015 January : 1, 2, 3, 11, 12, 13, 20, 21, 29, 30 |